Webinar Calendar

A little round the world    03/09 19h  03/23 7pm  04/06 19h  04/13 7pm
Europe tour  03/10 19h  03/24 7 p.m.  04/07 19h  04/14 7 p.m.
The new World  03/11 19h  03/25 7pm  03/08 19h  04/15 7pm
The Iconics  03/12 19h  03/26 7pm  04/09 19h  04/16 7pm


To reserve the date that suits you, send an email to contact@vinsdumondeetdailleurs.fr by specifying your first and last name, the date and the webinar chosen. You will receive by return email your link to the webinar. 

See you very soon!